Resetting and synchronizing a node

Synchronizing a node

If a node is started for the first time, it will synchronize to the latest block height of the network, starting from the genesis block. The synchronization from the genesis block can take a significant amount of time, depending on how many blocks have to be synchronized from the genesis block, in order to reach the latest block height of the network.

To speed up the process, a snapshot of the blockchain can be used. A snapshot is basically a database export of the blockchain from a certain time period, that contains all blocks and transactions which have been added to the blockchain so far.

Downloading a snapshot

Official snapshots are stored and can be downloaded via the following URL:

The Lisk Core CLI provides a command blockchain:download, which supports downloading the correct snapshot. It also verifies the correct download by verifying the checksum of the snapshot.

$ lisk-core blockchain:download --help
Download snapshot from <URL>.

  $ lisk-core blockchain:download

  -n, --network=network  [default: mainnet] Default network config to use. Environment variable "LISK_NETWORK" can
                         also be used.

  -o, --output=output    Directory path to specify where the snapshot is downloaded. By default, it outputs the files to
                         the current working directory.

  -u, --url=url          The url to the snapshot.

  download --network betanet
  download --url --output ./downloads

How to download a snapshot of the Lisk blockchain:

  • Mainnet

  • Testnet


lisk-core blockchain:download --network=mainnet


lisk-core blockchain:download --network=testnet

Importing a snapshot

Stop Lisk Core before importing the snapshot:

pm2 delete lisk-core

Import the snapshot to Lisk Core, by using the blockchain:import command:

lisk-core blockchain:import ./path/to/blockchain.db.tar.gz --force

Now start Lisk Core again:

pm2 start pm2.conf.json

After Lisk Core has now started, it will begin the synchronization process from the block height of the snapshot to the current height of the blockchain.

A command reference can be viewed by adding the --help parameter:

$ lisk-core blockchain:import --help
Import from <FILE>.

  $ lisk-core blockchain:import FILEPATH

  FILEPATH  Path to the gzipped blockchain data.

  -d, --data-path=data-path  Specifies which data path the application should use. Environment variable
                             "LISK_DATA_PATH" can also be used.

  -f, --force                Delete and overwrite existing blockchain data

  blockchain:import ./path/to/blockchain.db.tar.gz
  blockchain:import ./path/to/blockchain.db.tar.gz --data-path ./lisk/
  blockchain:import ./path/to/blockchain.db.tar.gz --data-path ./lisk/ --force

Creating own snapshots

To create your own snapshots of the blockchain, use the blockchain:export command:

lisk-core blockchain:export --output ./my/path/

A command reference can be viewed by adding the --help parameter:

$ lisk-core blockchain:export --help
Export to <FILE>.

  $ lisk-core blockchain:export

  -d, --data-path=data-path  Directory path to specify where the node data is stored. Environment variable
                             "LISK_DATA_PATH" can also be used.

  -o, --output=output        The output directory. Default will set to current working directory.

  blockchain:export --data-path ./data --output ./my/path/

Resetting the blockchain data

In case the blockchain should synchronize from the genesis block, it is possible to simply reset the existing blockchain data with the blockchain:reset command:

lisk-core blockchain:reset

A command reference can be viewed by adding the --help parameter:

$ lisk-core blockchain:reset --help
Reset the blockchain data.

  $ lisk-core blockchain:reset

  -d, --data-path=data-path  Directory path to specify where node data is stored. Environment variable
                             "LISK_DATA_PATH" can also be used.

  -y, --yes                  Skip confirmation prompt.

  blockchain:reset --data-path ./lisk
  blockchain:reset --yes