
The default way to set up Lisk Core. The Application installation is an easy and automated way to set up Lisk Core. This includes almost completed automated update scripts, together with a selection of tools to assist with seamlessly maintaining a Lisk node.


To complete the installation some prerequisites need to be fulfilled. If you have already performed these, please proceed to the Installation chapter.

Determine if your platform can run Lisk Core

Supported Platforms

  • Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) x86_64

  • Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS) x86_64


Mandatory: Always open the WebSocket port of your desired network, to enable communication with other peer nodes.

Optional: Open the corresponding HTTP port for your network, to make your node’s API reachable. For more information, see the diagram on the Interact with the API page.

To connect to the desired network with Lisk Core, please ensure that the corresponding ports listed below are open:

Network HTTP WebSocket










These are the default ports for connecting with the network. They can be altered later in the config.json file.

Install dependencies

If you are running Ubuntu then execute the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install curl wget tar unzip zip ntp

If you are running a Mac then execute the following command:

brew install curl wget tar unzip zip ntp

Create a new user

To run and manage a Lisk Core node in the future, please create a separate lisk user as described below:

  • Ubuntu

  • MacOS

The lisk user itself does not need any sudo rights to run the Lisk Core.

sudo adduser lisk              (1)
1 Create a new user.

It is not necessarily required to set up a lisk user, especially when you are running a local instance for development purposes.

However, if it is required then it is recommended to create the user using the macOS GUI:


This section details how to install Lisk Core using pre-built application packages. Once completed, you will have a functioning node on the Lisk network. If you are looking to upgrade your current Lisk Core installation, please see the Update Application section.

Login to the Lisk user

Creating the user is described in the Application - prerequisites section.

Please note, this is only for Ubuntu. However, if you are already logged in to this user, please skip this following step.

sudo -u lisk -i

Execute the installation script

This will configure the environment, download and install Lisk Core.

Before proceeding, determine whether you wish to connect your node to the Mainnet, (Main Network) or the Testnet, (Test Network).

  • Mainnet

  • Testnet

Download Lisk Core:


To connect your node to the Mainnet, execute the following command:

bash install -r main

Download Lisk Core:


To connect your node to the Testnet, execute the following command:

bash install -r test

A prompt will now appear regarding your installation directory, pressing enter will choose the default option.

Next, a following prompt will appear asking if you wish to synchronize from the genesis block. If you answer `no', which is the default option, the node will download a recent snapshot of the database. This will be much faster than synchronizing from the genesis block.

The installation may take a few minutes. Check the output of the script to verify that the installation was successful.

If you recognize an error, try to resolve it by analyzing the error output, otherwise please refer to the Developer’s Forum.

Verify successful installation

When the installation script has finished, navigate inside of the newly created folder lisk-main(for Mainnet) or lisk-test(for Testnet). It is possible to verify that your Lisk node is up and running, by executing the following command:

bash status

For further information and how to administer your Lisk node, please see the Management section.

If all of the above steps have been successfully completed, then the next step is to move on to the configuration documentation.

If you wish to enable forging or SSL, please see the General configuration.

Post-installation (optional)