Docker image

Upgrade minor versions

To upgrade a Lisk installation using Docker Compose, the only requirement necessary is to export the new version number in ENV_LISK_VERSION.

Example: To perform the update from Lisk Core 2.0.0 to 2.1.1, execute the following command:

export ENV_LISK_VERSION=2.1.1
docker-compose up -d

To update the Lisk installation, execute the following command docker-compose up -d.

Update major versions

For major version upgrades, there may be additional changes within docker-compose.yml.

In this case, Lisk Core provides an updated version of docker-compose.yml which can be found in the Lisk Core repository on Github, inside the docker folder: current version.

(Where the <CURRENT_VERSION> is the version tag of the version you wish to upgrade to).

Use this file as a new template for your docker-compose.yml.

The remainder of the upgrade process is analog to the minor version upgrade.