Managing accounts

The most convenient way to manage your account, is a user interface such as Lisk Desktop. However, it is possible to manage your account directly from the command-line with Lisk Core.

The most important interactions are described below. For more information about the available Lisk Core commands, check the CLI reference.

Creating a new account

$ lisk-core account:create
# [
#  {
#   "passphrase": "meadow lesson tomato satisfy shield number zone symptom sad equip faculty piece",
#   "privateKey": "9f6014a246cb91abeaec400e77a79c6ec29898c85bf934c2d176c13df58e1ef34c5b08a8eec74c79a6c6ec66ce229c03afdcb50ccd6e5c43e916875fb03b4948",
#   "publicKey": "4c5b08a8eec74c79a6c6ec66ce229c03afdcb50ccd6e5c43e916875fb03b4948",
#   "binaryAddress": "3fb0d5fb064d3ad6f09263eaae04e666ae4a0e52",
#   "address": "lsknf295f2b4kh99jpro8q6jxnbodwpkcrrw4nwwa"
#  }
# ]
Return randomly-generated mnemonic passphrase with its corresponding public/private key pair and Lisk address

  $ lisk-core account:create

  -c, --count=count  [default: 1] Number of accounts to create

  account:create --count=3

Creating transactions

The Lisk Core node needs to run in order to sign transactions.

If you wish to create transactions without having the node running, use the --offline flag. These transactions need to be signed later with transaction:sign.

For more information on this topic, check out this guide, Creating transactions and signing them offline.

Start Lisk Core, if it is not running already
$ lisk-core start

Transactions can be created by using the transaction:create command:

Create transaction which can be broadcasted to the network. Note: fee and amount should be in Beddows!!

  $ lisk-core transaction:create MODULEID ASSETID FEE

  MODULEID  Registered transaction module id.
  ASSETID   Registered transaction asset id.
  FEE       Transaction fee in Beddows.

  -a, --asset=asset                          Creates transaction with specific asset information.
  -d, --data-path=data-path                  Directory path to specify where node data is stored. Environment variable "LISK_DATA_PATH" can also be used.
  -j, --json                                 Print the transaction in JSON format
  -n, --network=network                      [default: mainnet] Default network config to use. Environment variable "LISK_NETWORK" can also be used.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase                Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Command will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
                                             	- --passphrase='my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important).

  -s, --sender-public-key=sender-public-key  Creates the transaction with provided sender publickey, when passphrase is not provided.

  --network-identifier=network-identifier    Network identifier defined for the network or main | test for the Lisk Network.

  --no-signature                             Creates the transaction without a signature. Your passphrase will therefore not be required.

  --nonce=nonce                              Nonce of the transaction.

  --offline                                  Specify whether to connect to a local node or not.

  --pretty                                   Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed.

  transaction:create 2 0 100000000 --asset='{"amount":100000000,"recipientAddress":"ab0041a7d3f7b2c290b5b834d46bdc7b7eb85815","data":"send token"}'
  transaction:create 2 0 100000000 --asset='{"amount":100000000,"recipientAddress":"ab0041a7d3f7b2c290b5b834d46bdc7b7eb85815","data":"send token"}' --json
  transaction:create 2 0 100000000 --offline --network mainnet --network-identifier 873da85a2cee70da631d90b0f17fada8c3ac9b83b2613f4ca5fddd374d1034b3 --nonce 1
  --asset='{"amount":100000000,"recipientAddress":"ab0041a7d3f7b2c290b5b834d46bdc7b7eb85815","data":"send token"}'

Transfering tokens to another account

$ lisk-core transaction:create 2 0 100000000 --asset='{"amount":100000000,"recipientAddress":"86555265f0110b4ed5a8cb95dbc732e77732c474","data":"send token"}'
? Please enter passphrase:  [hidden]
? Please re-enter passphrase:  [hidden]

Registering a delegate

$ lisk-core transaction:create 5 0 1000130000 --asset='{"username":"lightcurve"}'
? Please enter passphrase:  [hidden]
? Please re-enter passphrase:  [hidden]

How to vote/unvote delegates

A positive amount votes with the tokens for the respective delegate.

A negative amount unvotes the specified amount of tokens for a delegate.

Up to 20 votes and unvotes can be included in a single vote transaction.

$ lisk-core transaction:create 5 1 100000000 --asset='{"votes":[{"delegateAddress":"86555265f0110b4ed5a8cb95dbc732e77732c474","amount":1000000000}]}'
? Please enter passphrase:  [hidden]
? Please re-enter passphrase:  [hidden]

Sending transactions to Lisk Core

$ lisk-core transaction:send 0802100018002080c2d72f2a200fe9a3f1a21b5530f27f87a414b549e79a940bf24fdf2b2f05e7f22aeeecc86a32270880c2d72f121486555265f0110b4ed5a8cb95dbc732e77732c4741a0a73656e6420746f6b656e3a40c442cd1311808974d5f41a69dd25b2e3a516e463445a4c5eb292f0c7b7de0b33627a729da7969875d0f659fbe56f3e2ca947bc02873f8ac5a1753ac90fb15605
#Transaction with id: '793446f5a5dbd9fbb9b73a7855706193504f08e50eb9d955133682282321a0b0' received by node
Send transaction to the local node.

  $ lisk-core transaction:send TRANSACTION

  TRANSACTION  A transaction to be sent to the node encoded as hex string

  -d, --data-path=data-path  Directory path to specify where node data is stored. Environment variable "LISK_DATA_PATH" can also be used.
  --pretty                   Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed.
