Framework class interfaces


Interface of the Application class
interface Application {
    registerModule: (moduleClass: typeof BaseModule) => void; (1)
    registerPlugin: (pluginClass: typeof BasePlugin) => void; (2)
    run: () => Promise<void>(3)
    shutdown: (errorCode: number, message: string) => Promise<void> (4)
    networkIdentifier: Buffer; (5)
    getSchema: () => { (6)
        account: Schema;
        Block: Schema;
        blockHeader: Schema;
        blockHeaderAssets: { [blockVersion: number]: Schema };
        transaction: Schema;
        transactionsAssets: {
            moduleID: number;
            moduleName: string;
            assetID: number;
            assetName: string;
            schema: Schema;
1 Adds a module to the application.
2 Adds a plugin to the application.
3 Starts the application.
4 Shutdown stops the application with a given code and message.
5 NetworkIdentifer used to sign block and transactions.
6 getSchema returns all schema definitions that are registered to the application. Schema is a type defined by codec, which is a Lisk JSON schema.

The BaseModule

Interface of the BaseModule
import {
} from '../types';
import { BaseAsset } from './base_asset';

interface Channel {
	publish(name: string, data?: object): void;

export abstract class BaseModule {
	public abstract name: string; (1)
	public abstract id: number; (2)
	public transactionAssets: BaseAsset[] = []; (3)
	public accountSchema?: AccountSchema; (4)
	public actions: Actions = {}; (5)
	public events: string[] = []; (6)
	public reducers: Reducers = {}; (7)
	public readonly config: GenesisConfig;
	protected _channel!: Channel;
	protected _dataAccess!: BaseModuleDataAccess;

	public constructor(genesisConfig: GenesisConfig) {
		this.config = genesisConfig;

	public init(input: { channel: Channel; dataAccess: BaseModuleDataAccess }): void {
		this._channel =;
		this._dataAccess = input.dataAccess;

	public async beforeTransactionApply?(context: TransactionApplyContext): Promise<void>(8)
	public async afterTransactionApply?(context: TransactionApplyContext): Promise<void>(9)
	public async afterGenesisBlockApply?(context: AfterGenesisBlockApplyContext): Promise<void>(10)
	public async beforeBlockApply?(context: BeforeBlockApplyContext): Promise<void>(11)
	public async afterBlockApply?(context: AfterBlockApplyContext): Promise<void>(12)
1 Required. Name of the module.
2 Required. Module ID.
3 Optional. List of transaction assets for this module.
4 Optional. Schema of account asset to be used in this module.
5 Optional. A set of actions which can be called from plugins and external services.
6 Optional. A set of events name that will be emitted from this module, which can be subscribed by plugins and external sevices.
7 Optional. A set of actions which can be called from other modules during the block processing.
8 Optional. A function which will be called for all transactions before the apply function of the transaction.
9 Optional. A function which will be called for all transactions after the apply function of the transaction.
10 Optional. A function which will be called while applying the genesis block.
11 Optional. A function which will be called before a block is applied.
12 Optional. A function which will be called after a block is applied.

The BaseAsset

Interface of the BaseAsset
class BaseAsset<K> {
  public name: string; (1)
  public id: number; (2)
  public schema: Schema; (3)
  public apply: ({senderID:Buffer, asset: K, stateStore: StateStore, transaction: Transaction }) => void; (4)
  public validate?: (asset: K) => void; (5)
1 Name of the asset which will be used in the UI.
2 Type of the asset which will be used in the transaction.
3 Schema of the content of this asset.
4 Optional. Apply.
5 Optional. Validation function that can be implemented if additional.

The BasePlugin

Interface of the BasePlugin
class BasePlugin {
    static get alias(): string; (1)
    static get info(): { (2)
      author: string,
      version: string,
      name: string,
    get defaults(): Record<string, unknown>(3)
    get events(): string[]; (4)
    get actions(): { [actionName: string]: actionHandler }; (5)
    async load(channel): Promise<void>(6)
    async unload(): Promise<void>(7)
1 A unique plugin identifier, that can be accessed throughout the system. If any plugins are already registered with the same alias, then an error will be thrown.
2 Package meta information.
3 Supported configurations for the plugin with default values.
4 List of valid events which this plugin wants to register with the controller. Each event name will be prefixed by the plugin alias, e.g. pluginName:event1. Listing an event means to register the event in the application. Any plugin can subscribe or publish that event in the application.
5 Object of valid actions which this plugin wants to register with the controller. Each action name will be prefixed by the plugin alias, e.g. pluginName:action1. The source plugin can define the action while others can invoke that action.
6 Method which will be invoked by the controller to load the plugin. Ensure all loading logic gets completed during the life cycle of load. The controller emits an event app:ready which you can use to perform certain activities, which you may wish to perform when all other plugins are loaded.
7 Method to be invoked by the controller to perform the cleanup.