Command reference


Commands relating to Lisk accounts.

Create account

This returns a randomly-generated mnemonic passphrase with its corresponding public/private key pair and Lisk address.

  $ lisk account:create

  -j, --[no-]json      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -n, --number=number  [default: 1] Number of accounts to create.

  --[no-]pretty        Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table.
                       You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  account:create --number=3

Example JSON output

    "passphrase": "account reform outdoor curtain animal zoo best gain super glue bacon endless",
    "privateKey": "c0554188319a911aec70a6e044cbf69ec0da19269d11e8cd4e2b5ee18afe4402f7425ba1b192e07639a0304531e21117ccc1852279b6ec7c296b18bd95bcc4c3",
    "publicKey": "f7425ba1b192e07639a0304531e21117ccc1852279b6ec7c296b18bd95bcc4c3",
    "address": "9292797545729948557L"

Get account

Gets information about one or several accounts from the blockchain.

  $ lisk account:get ADDRESSES

  ADDRESSES  Comma-separated address(es) to get information about.

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  account:get 3520445367460290306L
  account:get 3520445367460290306L,2802325248134221536L

Example JSON output

        "address": "8004805717140184627L",
        "unconfirmedBalance": "3254116037008",
        "balance": "3254116037008",
        "publicKey": "30c07dbb72b41e3fda9f29e1a4fc0fce893bb00788515a5e6f50b80312e2f483",
        "secondPublicKey": "f7a16edaf7995d522d5e6ac69d7325df76f5883dd084409eb13df8d61c33abfb",
        "delegate": {
            "username": "tschakki",
            "vote": "1372073738324255",
            "rewards": "3190700000000",
            "producedBlocks": 9377,
            "missedBlocks": 905,
            "rank": 94,
            "approval": 10.66,
            "productivity": 91.2

Show account

This shows private account information for a given passphrase. It displays the lisk address, publickey and privatekey that belong to the entered passphrase:

  $ lisk account:show

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.


Example JSON output

        "privateKey": "a665a45920422f9d417e4867efdc4fb8a04a1f3fff1fa07e998e86f7f7a27ae3a4465fd76c16fcc458448076372abf1912cc5b150663a64dffefe550f96feadd",
        "publicKey": "a4465fd76c16fcc458448076372abf1912cc5b150663a64dffefe550f96feadd",
        "address": "12475940823804898745L"


Commands relating to Lisk blocks.

Get block

Gets block information from the blockchain.

  $ lisk block:get BLOCKIDS

  BLOCKIDS  Comma-separated block ID(s) to get information about.

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  block:get 369374894959871969
  block:get 17108498772892203620,8541428004955961162

Example JSON output

        "id": "369374894959871969",
        "version": 1,
        "timestamp": 76721330,
        "height": 6587884,
        "numberOfTransactions": 1,
        "totalAmount": "11100000",
        "totalFee": "10000000",
        "reward": "300000000",
        "payloadLength": 117,
        "payloadHash": "76eba40d186274ac79a8a5c2b5d73a5d214acfa1829763f59035d61c43a2ff2d",
        "generatorPublicKey": "279320364fc3edd39b77f1fa29594d442e39220b165956fa729f741150b0dc4d",
        "blockSignature": "6f1448a8b25b427bdc05e46d0383f6f1e0af45319591ad5507deaf298428d7fb16c82b4156dd0a444b0b70ef586bb95eb0853cb90937c980c3b939d1a65d1900",
        "confirmations": 4,
        "totalForged": "310000000",
        "generatorAddress": "8191405714437232748L",
        "previousBlockId": "6777587147545065709"


Commands to get and manage configurations for Lisk Commander.

Show config

Prints the current configuration.

  $ lisk config:show

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  Prints the current configuration.


Example JSON output (default values):

    "json": true, (1)
    "api": {
        "nodes": [], (2)
        "network": "main" (3)
    "pretty": false (4)
1 If false, this displays the output in table format.
2 These are the custom nodes which will connect to the Lisk Commander.
3 This is for the network in use,main for Mainnet,test for Testnet.
4 If true, this displays the output in a logical format. This has no effect if json:false.

Set config

Sets configuration.

When api.nodes is empty, lisk-commander will connect to official Lisk Seed Nodes depending on the network specified in

If api.nodes is set to one or multiple nodes, lisk commander will ignore and will make all requests to the specified Lisk node.

When multiple nodes are specified, queries will always go to the first listed node. The later nodes serve as a fallback, if a query to the first node was unsuccessful:

  $ lisk config:set VARIABLE [VALUES]

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  config:set pretty true
  config:set test
  config:set api.nodes,

Example JSON output

    "message": "Successfully set pretty to true."

Displays copyright notice.

  $ lisk copyright

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.



Commands relating to Lisk delegates.

Get delegate

Gets delegate information from the blockchain.

  $ lisk delegate:get USERNAMES

  USERNAMES  Comma-separated username(s) to get information about.

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  Gets delegate information from the blockchain.

  delegate:get lightcurve
  delegate:get lightcurve,

Example JSON output

        "rewards": "3209000000000",
        "vote": "1372446779413292",
        "producedBlocks": 9437,
        "missedBlocks": 905,
        "username": "tschakki",
        "rank": 94,
        "approval": 10.66,
        "productivity": 91.25,
        "account": {
            "address": "8004805717140184627L",
            "publicKey": "30c07dbb72b41e3fda9f29e1a4fc0fce893bb00788515a5e6f50b80312e2f483",
            "secondPublicKey": "f7a16edaf7995d522d5e6ac69d7325df76f5883dd084409eb13df8d61c33abfb"

Get voters of a delegate

Gets voters information for given delegate(s) from the blockchain.

  $ lisk delegate:voters USERNAMES

  USERNAMES  Comma-separated username(s) to get information about.

  --limit          Limits the returned voters array by specified integer amount. Maximum is 100.

  --offset         Offsets the returned voters array by specified integer amount.

  --sort           Sorts the returned voters array. Sort type must be one of `publicKey:asc`, `publicKey:desc`, `balance:asc`, `balance:desc`, `username:asc` or `username:desc`.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  Gets voters information for given delegate(s) from the blockchain.

  delegate:voters lightcurve
  delegate:voters lightcurve,
  delegate:voters lightcurve, --limit 20 --offset 5 --sort publicKey:asc --pretty

Get votes of a delegate

Gets votes information for given delegate(s) from the blockchain.

  $ lisk delegate:votes ADDRESSES

  ADDRESSES  Comma-separated address(es) to get information about.

  --limit          Limits the returned voters array by specified integer amount. Maximum is 100.

  --offset         Offsets the returned voters array by specified integer amount.

  --sort           Sorts the returned voters array. Sort type must be one of `balance:asc`, `balance:desc`, `username:asc` or `username:desc`.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  Gets voting information for given delegate(s) from the blockchain.

  delegate:votes 8004805717140184627L
  delegate:votes 13133549779353512613L,16010222169256538112L
  delegate:votes 8004805717140184627L,8820447240686843261L --limit 20 --offset 5 --sort balance:asc --pretty


Displays command reference.

  $ lisk help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI


Commands relating to user messages.

Decrypt message

Decrypts a previously encrypted message from a given sender public key for a known nonce using your secret passphrase.

Important: As the secret passphrase is a sensitive input, it can be provided using one of the methods described in the Sensitive Inputs section. The encrypted message can be provided either directly as an argument, or by specifying a source with the –message option. If both the secret passphrase and the encrypted message are provided via stdin, the secret passphrase must be provided in the first line, and the encrypted message must be provided in the subsequent lines.

  $ lisk message:decrypt SENDERPUBLICKEY NONCE [MESSAGE]

  SENDERPUBLICKEY  Public key of the sender of the message.
  NONCE            Nonce used during encryption.
  MESSAGE          Encrypted message.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -m, --message=message
      Specifies a source for providing a message to the command. If a string is provided directly as an argument, this
      option will be ignored. The message must be provided via an argument or via this option. Sources must be one of
      `file` or `stdin`. In the case of `file`, a corresponding identifier must also be provided.
        Note: if both secret passphrase and message are passed via stdin, the passphrase must be the first line.
        - --message=file:/path/to/my/message.txt
        - --message=stdin

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  message:decrypt bba7e2e6a4639c431b68e31115a71ffefcb4e025a4d1656405dfdcd8384719e0 4b800d90d54eda4d093b5e4e6bf9ed203bc90e1560bd628d dcaa605af45a4107a699755237b4c08e1ef75036743d7e4814dea7
  message:decrypt bba7e2e6a4639c431b68e31115a71ffefcb4e025a4d1656405dfdcd8384719e0 1f9008c2813901366f3452431c27218be2c08ac85d6b28a3 --message file:/path/to/encrypted_message.txt
  $ echo f359abaf52a8fb68086cee580ce2b4656840c7c2af1308424eb9ff2b17eae87943502b8f14b6 | lisk message:decrypt bba7e2e6a4639c431b68e31115a71ffefcb4e025a4d1656405dfdcd8384719e0 1f9008c2813901366f3452431c27218be2c08ac85d6b28a3 --message stdin

Example JSON output

    "message": "My very secret message"

Encrypt message

This encrypts a message for a given recipient public key using your secret passphrase.

This command uses lisk-elements passphrase module to encrypt a message you provide for a given public key using a randomly generated nonce. In order to decrypt the encrypted message later the recipient will need your public key, (in order to verify that the message came from you), including the nonce and the secret passphrase which matches the specified public key.

Important: As the secret passphrase is a sensitive input, it can be provided using one of the methods described in the Sensitive Inputs section. The encrypted message can be provided either directly as an argument, or by specifying a source with the –message option. If both the secret passphrase and the encrypted message are provided via stdin, the secret passphrase must be provided in the first line, and the encrypted message must be provided in the subsequent lines.

  $ lisk message:encrypt RECIPIENTPUBLICKEY [MESSAGE]

  RECIPIENTPUBLICKEY  Public key of the recipient of the message.
  MESSAGE             Message to encrypt.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -m, --message=message
      Specifies a source for providing a message to the command. If a string is provided directly as an argument, this
      option will be ignored. The message must be provided via an argument or via this option. Sources must be one of
      `file` or `stdin`. In the case of `file`, a corresponding identifier must also be provided.
        Note: if both secret passphrase and message are passed via stdin, the passphrase must be the first line.
        - --message=file:/path/to/my/message.txt
        - --message=stdin

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  message:encrypt bba7e2e6a4639c431b68e31115a71ffefcb4e025a4d1656405dfdcd8384719e0 "My very secret message"
  message:encrypt 5d036a858ce89f844491762eb89e2bfbd50a4a0a0da658e4b2628b25b117ae09 --message file:/path/to/message.txt
  $ echo "My very secret message" | lisk message:encrypt 5d036a858ce89f844491762eb89e2bfbd50a4a0a0da658e4b2628b25b117ae09 --message stdin

Example JSON output

    "nonce": "cb4d497e6834e0e888e285f32ddb02bdfd4b471f6ad04e6d",
    "encryptedMessage": "82af57f715c69958bda8b9e95b7f7a09bfaa5afeb94960bf243d7c77a656a3e1ff061c68e20e"

Sign message

Signs a message using your secret passphrase.

This command signs message. You will need the passphrase you sign with.

Important: As the secret passphrase is a sensitive input, it can be provided using one of the methods described in the Sensitive Inputs section. The encrypted message can be provided either directly as an argument, or by specifying a source with the –message option. If both the secret passphrase and the encrypted message are provided via stdin, the secret passphrase must be provided in the first line, and the encrypted message must be provided in the subsequent lines.

  $ lisk message:sign [MESSAGE]

  MESSAGE  Message to sign.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -m, --message=message
      Specifies a source for providing a message to the command. If a string is provided directly as an argument, this
      option will be ignored. The message must be provided via an argument or via this option. Sources must be one of
      `file` or `stdin`. In the case of `file`, a corresponding identifier must also be provided.
        Note: if both secret passphrase and message are passed via stdin, the passphrase must be the first line.
        - --message=file:/path/to/my/message.txt
        - --message=stdin

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  Signs a message using your secret passphrase.

  message:sign "Hello world"
  message:sign --message file:/path/to/message.txt
  $ echo 'Hello World' | lisk message:sign --message stdin

Example JSON output

    "message": "Hello World",
    "publicKey": "a4465fd76c16fcc458448076372abf1912cc5b150663a64dffefe550f96feadd",
    "signature": "0c70c0ed6ca16312c6acab46dd8b801fd3f3a2bd68018651c2792b40a7d1d3ee276a6bafb6b4185637edfa4d282e18362e135c5e2cf0c68002bfd58307ddb30b"

Verify message

Verifies a signature for a message using the signer’s public key.

This command verify a message after being signed with the sign message command. You will need the public key, signature and message.

  $ lisk message:verify PUBLICKEY SIGNATURE [MESSAGE]

  PUBLICKEY  Public key of the signer of the message.
  SIGNATURE  Signature to verify.
  MESSAGE    Message to verify.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -m, --message=message
      Specifies a source for providing a message to the command. If a string is provided directly as an argument, this
      option will be ignored. The message must be provided via an argument or via this option. Sources must be one of
      `file` or `stdin`. In the case of `file`, a corresponding identifier must also be provided.
        Note: if both secret passphrase and message are passed via stdin, the passphrase must be the first line.
        - --message=file:/path/to/my/message.txt
        - --message=stdin

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  Verifies a signature for a message using the signer’s public key.

  message:verify 647aac1e2df8a5c870499d7ddc82236b1e10936977537a3844a6b05ea33f9ef6 2a3ca127efcf7b2bf62ac8c3b1f5acf6997cab62ba9fde3567d188edcbacbc5dc8177fb88d03a8691ce03348f569b121bca9e7a3c43bf5c056382f35ff843c09 "Hello world"
  message:verify 647aac1e2df8a5c870499d7ddc82236b1e10936977537a3844a6b05ea33f9ef6 2a3ca127efcf7b2bf62ac8c3b1f5acf6997cab62ba9fde3567d188edcbacbc5dc8177fb88d03a8691ce03348f569b121bca9e7a3c43bf5c056382f35ff843c09 --message file:/path/to/signed_message.txt
  $ echo 'Hello World' | lisk message:verify 647aac1e2df8a5c870499d7ddc82236b1e10936977537a3844a6b05ea33f9ef6 2a3ca127efcf7b2bf62ac8c3b1f5acf6997cab62ba9fde3567d188edcbacbc5dc8177fb88d03a8691ce03348f569b121bca9e7a3c43bf5c056382f35ff843c09 --message stdin

Example JSON output

    "verified": true


Commands relating to Lisk nodes.

Uses official Lisk Seed Nodes, if no other nodes are provided in config.


Updates the forging status of a node.

  $ lisk node:forging STATUS PUBLICKEY

  STATUS     (enable|disable) Desired forging status.
  PUBLICKEY  Public key of the delegate whose status should be updated.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -w, --password=password
      Specifies a source for your secret password. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --password=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --password=pass:password123 (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --password=env:PASSWORD
        - --password=file:/path/to/my/password.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --password=stdin (takes the first line only)

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  node:forging enable 647aac1e2df8a5c870499d7ddc82236b1e10936977537a3844a6b05ea33f9ef6
  node:forging disable 647aac1e2df8a5c870499d7ddc82236b1e10936977537a3844a6b05ea33f9ef6

Get node

Gets information about a node.

  $ lisk node:get

  -j, --[no-]json   Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --forging-status  Additionally provides information about forging status.

  --[no-]pretty     Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                    can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  node:get --forging-status

Example JSON output

    "build": "v13:05:01 23/10/2018\n",
    "commit": "1785110b343fc42955e46fb5321092b470c686bc",
    "epoch": "2016-05-24T17:00:00.000Z",
    "fees": {
        "send": "10000000",
        "vote": "100000000",
        "secondSignature": "500000000",
        "delegate": "2500000000",
        "multisignature": "500000000",
        "dappRegistration": "2500000000",
        "dappWithdrawal": "10000000",
        "dappDeposit": "10000000"
    "nethash": "da3ed6a45429278bac2666961289ca17ad86595d33b31037615d4b8e8f158bba",
    "nonce": "HrWgya299whkyh8b",
    "milestone": "2",
    "reward": "300000000",
    "supply": "12877201600000000",
    "version": "1.1.1-rc.1",
    "broadhash": "5d72de80e8bee2d447ff1683c34e1298dde70a1e5a43e045aaea29aefb82af89",
    "consensus": 91,
    "height": 6592831,
    "loaded": true,
    "networkHeight": 6592831,
    "syncing": false,
    "transactions": {
        "confirmed": 862234,
        "unconfirmed": 0,
        "unprocessed": 0,
        "unsigned": 0,
        "total": 862234


Commands relating to Lisk passphrases.

Decrypt passphrase

Decrypts your secret passphrase using the password which was provided at the time of encryption.

The following command listed below decrypts your secret passphrase after being encrypted with the encrypted passphrase command. The password which was used to encrypt the secret passphrase, as well as the initialisation vector (IV), which was randomly generated at the time of encryption will be required here:

Important: As the secret passphrase is a sensitive input, it can be provided using one of the methods described in the Sensitive Inputs section. The encrypted message can be provided either directly as an argument, or by specifying a source with the –message option. If both the secret passphrase and the encrypted message are provided via stdin, the secret passphrase must be provided in the first line, and the encrypted message must be provided in the subsequent lines.

  $ lisk passphrase:decrypt [ENCRYPTEDPASSPHRASE]

  ENCRYPTEDPASSPHRASE  Encrypted passphrase to decrypt.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -w, --password=password
      Specifies a source for your secret password. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --password=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --password=pass:password123 (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --password=env:PASSWORD
        - --password=file:/path/to/my/password.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --password=stdin (takes the first line only)

      Specifies a source for providing an encrypted passphrase to the command. If a string is provided directly as an
      argument, this option will be ignored. The encrypted passphrase must be provided via an argument or via this option.
      Sources must be one of `file` or `stdin`. In the case of `file`, a corresponding identifier must also be provided.

        Note: if both an encrypted passphrase and the password are passed via stdin, the password must be the first line.

            - --passphrase file:/path/to/my/encrypted_passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
            - --passphrase stdin (takes the first line only)

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  passphrase:decrypt "iterations=1000000&cipherText=9b1c60&iv=5c8843f52ed3c0f2aa0086b0&salt=2240b7f1aa9c899894e528cf5b600e9c&tag=23c01112134317a63bcf3d41ea74e83b&version=1"
  passphrase:decrypt "iterations=1000000&cipherText=9b1c60&iv=5c8843f52ed3c0f2aa0086b0&salt=2240b7f1aa9c899894e528cf5b600e9c&tag=23c01112134317a63bcf3d41ea74e83b&version=1" --passphrase file:./path/to/encrypted_passphrase.txt
  $ echo testing123 | passphrase:decrypt "iterations=1000000&cipherText=9b1c60&iv=5c8843f52ed3c0f2aa0086b0&salt=2240b7f1aa9c899894e528cf5b600e9c&tag=23c01112134317a63bcf3d41ea74e83b&version=1" --passphrase stdin

Example JSON output

    "passphrase": "minute omit local rare sword knee banner pair rib museum shadow juice"

Encrypt passphrase

Encrypts your secret passphrase under a password.

This command uses AES-256-CBC to encrypt your secret passphrase under a password you provide using a randomly generated initialisation vector (IV). In order to decrypt the secret passphrase later you will need both the IV and the password.

Important: As the secret passphrase is a sensitive input, it can be provided using one of the methods described in the Sensitive Inputs section. The encrypted message can be provided either directly as an argument, or by specifying a source with the –message option. If both the secret passphrase and the encrypted message are provided via stdin, the secret passphrase must be provided in the first line, and the encrypted message must be provided in the subsequent lines.

  $ lisk passphrase:encrypt

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -w, --password=password
      Specifies a source for your secret password. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --password=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --password=pass:password123 (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --password=env:PASSWORD
        - --password=file:/path/to/my/password.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --password=stdin (takes the first line only)

      Includes the public key in the output. This option is provided for the convenience of node operators.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.


Example JSON output

    "encryptedPassphrase": "iterations=1000000&cipherText=9b1c60&iv=5c8843f52ed3c0f2aa0086b0&salt=2240b7f1aa9c899894e528cf5b600e9c&tag=23c01112134317a63bcf3d41ea74e83b&version=1"


Commands relating to signatures for Lisk transactions from multisignature accounts.

Broadcast signature

Broadcasts a signature for a transaction from a multisignature account.

This command broadcasts the signature to the network, and requires the one parameter shown below:

  • Transaction as string in JSON format.

  $ lisk signature:broadcast [SIGNATURE]

  SIGNATURE  Signature to broadcast.

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  Broadcasts a signature for a transaction from a multisignature account.
  Accepts a stringified JSON signature as an argument, or a signature can be piped from a previous command.
  If piping make sure to quote out the entire command chain to avoid piping-related conflicts in your shell.

  signature:broadcast '{"transactionId":"abcd1234","publicKey":"abcd1234","signature":"abcd1234"}'
  $ echo '{"transactionId":"abcd1234","publicKey":"abcd1234","signature":"abcd1234"}' | lisk signature:broadcast

Example JSON output

    "meta": {
        "status": true
    "data": {
        "message": "Signature(s) accepted"
    "links": {}

Create signature

Create a signature object for a transaction from a multisignature account.

Accepts a stringified JSON transaction as an argument.

  $ lisk signature:create [TRANSACTION]

  TRANSACTION  Transaction in JSON format.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.



Commands relating to Lisk transactions.

Broadcast transaction

Broadcasts a transaction to the network via the node specified in the current config.

Accepts a stringified JSON transaction as an argument, or a transaction can be piped from a previous command.

If piping make sure to quote out the entire command chain to avoid piping-related conflicts in your shell.

  $ lisk transaction:broadcast [TRANSACTION]

  TRANSACTION  Transaction to broadcast in JSON format.

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  transaction:broadcast '{"type":0,"amount":"100",...}'
  echo '{"type":0,"amount":"100",...}' | lisk transaction:broadcast

Example JSON output

    "meta": {
        "status": true
    "data": {
        "message": "Transaction(s) accepted"
    "links": {}

Create transaction

Creates a transaction object.

  $ lisk transaction:create

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -s, --second-passphrase=second-passphrase
      Specifies a source for your second secret passphrase. For certain commands a second passphrase is necessary, in
      which case Lisk Commander will prompt you for it if this option is not set. Otherwise, Lisk Commander will assume
      you want to use one passphrase only.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --second-passphrase=prompt (to force a prompt even when a second passphrase is not always necessary)
        - --second-passphrase='pass:my second secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --second-passphrase=env:SECOND_SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --second-passphrase=file:/path/to/my/secondPassphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --second-passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -t, --type=0|transfer|1|second-passphrase|2|delegate|3|vote|4|multisignature
      (required) type of transaction to create

      Creates the transaction without a signature. Your passphrase will therefore not be required.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

      Specifies the public keys for the delegate candidates you want to remove your vote from. Takes either a string of
      public keys separated by commas, or a path to a file which contains the public keys.
        - --unvotes=publickey1,publickey2
        - --unvotes=file:/path/to/my/unvotes.txt (every public key should be on a new line)

      Specifies the public keys for the delegate candidates you want to vote for. Takes either a string of public keys
      separated by commas, or a path to a file which contains the public keys.
        - --votes=publickey1,publickey2
        - --votes=file:/path/to/my/votes.txt (every public key should be on a new line)

  transaction:create --type=0 100 13356260975429434553L
  transaction:create --type=delegate lightcurve

Transfer transaction

Creates a transaction which will transfer the specified amount to an address if broadcast to the network.

This command creates and signs a type 0 transaction, which will transfer a Lisk balance to a provided address if broadcast to the network.

  $ lisk transaction:create:transfer AMOUNT ADDRESS

  AMOUNT   Amount of LSK to send.
  ADDRESS  Address of the recipient.

  -d, --data=data
      Optional UTF8 encoded data (maximum of 64 bytes) to include in the transaction asset.
        - --data=customInformation

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -s, --second-passphrase=second-passphrase
      Specifies a source for your second secret passphrase. For certain commands a second passphrase is necessary, in
      which case Lisk Commander will prompt you for it if this option is not set. Otherwise, Lisk Commander will assume
      you want to use one passphrase only.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --second-passphrase=prompt (to force a prompt even when a second passphrase is not always necessary)
        - --second-passphrase='pass:my second secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --second-passphrase=env:SECOND_SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --second-passphrase=file:/path/to/my/secondPassphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --second-passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Creates the transaction without a signature. Your passphrase will therefore not be required.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  transaction:create:transfer 100 13356260975429434553L

Example JSON output

    "amount": "10000000000",
    "recipientId": "13356260975429434553L",
    "senderPublicKey": "caf0f4c00cf9240771975e42b6672c88a832f98f01825dda6e001e2aab0bc0cc",
    "timestamp": 64769338,
    "type": 0,
    "fee": "10000000",
    "recipientPublicKey": null,
    "asset": {},
    "signature": "097bbb6a740a2b90f44b903c0370a6c7ccca86eda6447998e85c745e77f82c2efaf80d9396de5c7a5d7be39a3e9029402b081f8c6f45dde67066d7668b75de05",
    "id": "17042051520078129298"

Second passphrase transaction

Creates a transaction which will register a second passphrase for the account if broadcast to the network.

This command creates and signs a type 1 transaction, which will register a second passphrase for the account if broadcast to the network.

  $ lisk transaction:create:second-passphrase

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -s, --second-passphrase=second-passphrase
      Specifies a source for your second secret passphrase. For certain commands a second passphrase is necessary, in
      which case Lisk Commander will prompt you for it if this option is not set. Otherwise, Lisk Commander will assume
      you want to use one passphrase only.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --second-passphrase=prompt (to force a prompt even when a second passphrase is not always necessary)
        - --second-passphrase='pass:my second secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --second-passphrase=env:SECOND_SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --second-passphrase=file:/path/to/my/secondPassphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --second-passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Creates the transaction without a signature. Your passphrase will therefore not be required.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.


Example JSON output

    "type": 1,
    "amount": 0,
    "fee": 500000000,
    "recipientId": null,
    "senderPublicKey": "6e0f31cd09bd602bf71960e4da1930ccd39b817d0a73986a09c344204ee1ec6b",
    "timestamp": 48028699,
    "asset": {
        "signature": {
            "publicKey": "a8ef35a53220246cce763ec98dbcf335b30b72d980e3e5cfe1cfcabd68581358"
    "signature": "5ad889263397837b52c7bedaa3bb0c906494a35ef940a410493cd5df1d654b0dbf6561d3a597f0463e5d88cdd8b9e87379266a1b351623cf9760875a2e575f0f",
    "id": "17851553801824463168"

Delegate registration transaction

Creates a transaction which will register the account as a delegate candidate if broadcast to the network.

The following command below creates and signs a type 2 transaction, which will register the account as a delegate candidate if it broadcasts to the network. This requires the delegate’s username to be registered:

  $ lisk transaction:create:delegate USERNAME

  USERNAME  Username to register as a delegate.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -s, --second-passphrase=second-passphrase
      Specifies a source for your second secret passphrase. For certain commands a second passphrase is necessary, in
      which case Lisk Commander will prompt you for it if this option is not set. Otherwise, Lisk Commander will assume
      you want to use one passphrase only.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --second-passphrase=prompt (to force a prompt even when a second passphrase is not always necessary)
        - --second-passphrase='pass:my second secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --second-passphrase=env:SECOND_SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --second-passphrase=file:/path/to/my/secondPassphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --second-passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Creates the transaction without a signature. Your passphrase will therefore not be required.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  transaction:create:delegate lightcurve

Example JSON output

    "amount": "0",
    "recipientId": "",
    "senderPublicKey": "a4465fd76c16fcc458448076372abf1912cc5b150663a64dffefe550f96feadd",
    "timestamp": 64793730,
    "type": 2,
    "fee": "2500000000",
    "asset": {
        "delegate": {
            "username": "username"
    "signature": "4ef0dedacd5deba50785e115afca48d3db2427e8436e6fe8edb291ab420978cea75814ca58aac1a745da61c1cd5912103e3b8b8f2aed650622eb39d66b98bb01",
    "id": "12587307250270871466"

Cast votes transaction

Creates a transaction which will cast votes (and/or unvotes) for delegate candidates using their public keys if broadcast to the network.

This command creates and signs a type 3 transaction, which will cast votes or unvotes for delegates if broadcast to the network. The command requires at least one of the –votes and/or –unvotes options.

These options can be specified either by a list of public key strings (corresponding to the delegates to be voted for/unvoted) separated by commas, or via a path to a file containing the public keys (where the public keys can be separated by commas or new lines).

  $ lisk transaction:create:vote

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -s, --second-passphrase=second-passphrase
      Specifies a source for your second secret passphrase. For certain commands a second passphrase is necessary, in
      which case Lisk Commander will prompt you for it if this option is not set. Otherwise, Lisk Commander will assume
      you want to use one passphrase only.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --second-passphrase=prompt (to force a prompt even when a second passphrase is not always necessary)
        - --second-passphrase='pass:my second secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --second-passphrase=env:SECOND_SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --second-passphrase=file:/path/to/my/secondPassphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --second-passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Creates the transaction without a signature. Your passphrase will therefore not be required.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

      Specifies the public keys for the delegate candidates you want to remove your vote from. Takes either a string of
      public keys separated by commas, or a path to a file which contains the public keys.
        - --unvotes=publickey1,publickey2
        - --unvotes=file:/path/to/my/unvotes.txt (every public key should be on a new line)

      Specifies the public keys for the delegate candidates you want to vote for. Takes either a string of public keys
      separated by commas, or a path to a file which contains the public keys.
        - --votes=publickey1,publickey2
        - --votes=file:/path/to/my/votes.txt (every public key should be on a new line)

  Creates a transaction which will cast votes (or unvotes) for delegate candidates using their public keys if broadcast
  to the network.

  transaction:create:vote --votes 215b667a32a5cd51a94c9c2046c11fffb08c65748febec099451e3b164452bca,922fbfdd596fa78269bbcadc67ec2a1cc15fc929a19c462169568d7a3df1a1aa --unvotes e01b6b8a9b808ec3f67a638a2d3fa0fe1a9439b91dbdde92e2839c3327bd4589,ac09bc40c889f688f9158cca1fcfcdf6320f501242e0f7088d52a5077084ccba

Example JSON output

    "amount": "0",
    "recipientId": "12475940823804898745L",
    "senderPublicKey": "a4465fd76c16fcc458448076372abf1912cc5b150663a64dffefe550f96feadd",
    "timestamp": 64793558,
    "type": 3,
    "fee": "100000000",
    "asset": {
        "votes": [
    "signature": "1d45d794fbf78d0bec828b6876568cbbdc5cfb70eeb0c46d5278771c9db7fcb9fa3c80fb38c57bb57619ea6bb216dbcf7986afc5532dbf52e640407fbf7b6802",
    "id": "12646851302759999136"

Multisignature account registration

Creates a transaction which will register the account as a multisignature account if broadcast to the network, using the following arguments:

  $ lisk transaction:create:multisignature LIFETIME MINIMUM KEYSGROUP

  LIFETIME   Number of hours the transaction should remain in the transaction pool before becoming invalid.
  MINIMUM    Minimum number of signatures required for a transaction from the account to be valid.
  KEYSGROUP  Public keys to verify signatures against for the multisignature group.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -s, --second-passphrase=second-passphrase
      Specifies a source for your second secret passphrase. For certain commands a second passphrase is necessary, in
      which case Lisk Commander will prompt you for it if this option is not set. Otherwise, Lisk Commander will assume
      you want to use one passphrase only.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --second-passphrase=prompt (to force a prompt even when a second passphrase is not always necessary)
        - --second-passphrase='pass:my second secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --second-passphrase=env:SECOND_SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --second-passphrase=file:/path/to/my/secondPassphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --second-passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Creates the transaction without a signature. Your passphrase will therefore not be required.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

  transaction:create:multisignature 24 2

Example JSON output

    "amount": "0",
    "recipientId": "",
    "senderPublicKey": "a4465fd76c16fcc458448076372abf1912cc5b150663a64dffefe550f96feadd",
    "timestamp": 64793668,
    "type": 4,
    "fee": "1500000000",
    "asset": {
        "multisignature": {
            "min": 2,
            "lifetime": 24,
            "keysgroup": [
    "signature": "e82cf02e51db6d815fc1d2e0fa33099e1662f7e463d628d060a5155446e8497266260b00868fba8c61faf140291e9be9826401338bf80a74739e0f4ccca47209",
    "id": "17552046565394161055"

Get transaction

Gets transaction information from the blockchain.

  $ lisk transaction:get IDS

  IDS  Comma-separated transaction ID(s) to get information about.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -s, --state=unsigned|unprocessed
      Get transactions based on a given state. Possible values for the state are 'unsigned' and 'unprocessed'.
        - --state=unsigned
        - --state=unprocessed

      [default: 10] Limits the returned transactions array by specified integer amount. Maximum is 100.

      [default: 0] Offsets the returned transactions array by specified integer amount.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

      Get transactions based by senderId which is sender's lisk address'.
        - --sender-id=12668885769632475474L

      [default: timestamp:asc] Fields to sort results by.

  Gets transaction information from the blockchain.

  transaction:get 10041151099734832021
  transaction:get 10041151099734832021,1260076503909567890
  transaction:get 10041151099734832021,1260076503909567890 --state=unprocessed
  transaction:get 10041151099734832021 --state=unsigned --sender-id=1813095620424213569L
  transaction:get --state=unsigned --sender-id=1813095620424213569L
  transaction:get --sender-id=1813095620424213569L
  transaction:get --limit=10 --sort=amount:desc
  transaction:get --limit=10 --offset=5

Example JSON output

        "id": "6504066991503372206",
        "height": 6588235,
        "blockId": "15628722186106902609",
        "type": 0,
        "timestamp": 76726802,
        "senderPublicKey": "f4852b270f76dc8b49bfa88de5906e81d3b001d23852f0e74ba60cac7180a184",
        "senderId": "6076671634347365051L",
        "recipientId": "6711723025288195737L",
        "recipientPublicKey": "",
        "amount": "10000000000",
        "fee": "10000000",
        "signature": "61bda4cdd6b91110184feb9ff99b02e5085a69c8d810fc0a4c71fb5e3731a25ade828f7fe5dbfcc4b6ffc6a658e2fadaa130193725fc9428bf7a59671af32409",
        "signatures": [],
        "confirmations": 4929,
        "asset": {}

Sign transaction

Sign a transaction using your secret passphrase.

Important: As the secret passphrase is a sensitive input, it can be provided using one of the methods described in the Sensitive Inputs section. The encrypted message can be provided either directly as an argument, or by specifying a source with the –message option. If both the secret passphrase and the encrypted message are provided via stdin, the secret passphrase must be provided in the first line, and the encrypted message must be provided in the subsequent lines.

  $ lisk transaction:sign [TRANSACTION]

  TRANSACTION  Transaction to sign in JSON format.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  -p, --passphrase=passphrase
      Specifies a source for your secret passphrase. Lisk Commander will prompt you for input if this option is not set.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --passphrase=prompt (default behaviour)
        - --passphrase='pass:my secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --passphrase=env:SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --passphrase=file:/path/to/my/passphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

  -s, --second-passphrase=second-passphrase
      Specifies a source for your second secret passphrase. For certain commands a second passphrase is necessary, in
      which case Lisk Commander will prompt you for it if this option is not set. Otherwise, Lisk Commander will assume
      you want to use one passphrase only.
        Source must be one of `prompt`, `pass`, `env`, `file` or `stdin`. For `pass`, `env` and `file` a corresponding
      identifier must also be provided.
        - --second-passphrase=prompt (to force a prompt even when a second passphrase is not always necessary)
        - --second-passphrase='pass:my second secret passphrase' (should only be used where security is not important)
        - --second-passphrase=env:SECOND_SECRET_PASSPHRASE
        - --second-passphrase=file:/path/to/my/secondPassphrase.txt (takes the first line only)
        - --second-passphrase=stdin (takes one line only)

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.


Example JSON output

    "amount": "10000000000",
    "recipientId": "13356260975429434553L",
    "senderPublicKey": "a4465fd76c16fcc458448076372abf1912cc5b150663a64dffefe550f96feadd",
    "timestamp": 64872831,
    "type": 0,
    "fee": "10000000",
    "recipientPublicKey": null,
    "asset": {},
    "signature": "0700e70310e4cd4fcb2bb1ec7527b760cc60f90b2629e270ecebd70affb8f6be3c163eda29e8e5ccedcae5f3401e7afd40244a30217aa0d435e762c874a63f00",
    "id": "15637644919032010963"

Verify transaction

Verifies a transaction has a valid signature.

This command verify a transaction after being signed with the sign transaction command or create transaction command.

The second public key may be specified here if the transaction has a second signature:

  $ lisk transaction:verify [TRANSACTION]

  TRANSACTION  Transaction to verify in JSON format.

  -j, --[no-]json
      Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

      Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You can change the
      default behaviour in your config.json file.

      Specifies a source for providing a second public key to the command. The second public key must be provided via this
      option. Sources must be one of `file` or `stdin`. In the case of `file`, a corresponding identifier must also be

        Note: if both transaction and second public key are passed via stdin, the transaction must be the first line.

        - --second-public-key file:/path/to/my/message.txt
        - --second-public-key 790049f919979d5ea42cca7b7aa0812cbae8f0db3ee39c1fe3cef18e25b67951

  transaction:verify '{"type":0,"amount":"100",...}'
  transaction:verify '{"type":0,"amount":"100",...}' --second-public-key=647aac1e2df8a5c870499d7ddc82236b1e10936977537a3844a6b05ea33f9ef6
  transaction:verify '{"type":0,"amount":"100",...}' --second-public-key file:/path/to/my/message.txt

Example JSON output

    "verified": true


Displays warranty notice.

  $ lisk warranty

  -j, --[no-]json  Prints output in JSON format. You can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  --[no-]pretty    Prints JSON in pretty format rather than condensed. Has no effect if the output is set to table. You
                   can change the default behaviour in your config.json file.

  Displays warranty notice.
