
What is DeFi?

Decentralized finance, often shortened to "DeFi," is a movement that uses blockchain technology to create open and transparent financial services. DeFi has the potential to disrupt traditional financial institutions and create a more equitable and accessible global economy.

One of the most popular use cases for DeFi is the creation of decentralized exchanges, or DEXs. These are platforms that allow users to exchange cryptocurrencies directly, without the need for a central authority to facilitate the transactions. This allows for more efficient and secure trading, as well as lower fees for users.

DeFi also has the potential to provide access to financial services for those who may not have had access before. For example, decentralized lending and borrowing platforms allow users to access credit without the need for a traditional credit score or financial history. This has the potential to open up new opportunities for individuals in developing countries or underbanked communities.

Overall, the rise of DeFi represents a major shift in the way that financial transactions are conducted. By leveraging the power of decentralized networks and smart contracts, DeFi offers a more transparent, secure, and accessible alternative to traditional financial systems. While there are still challenges and limitations to be addressed, the potential of DeFi to revolutionize the global economy is undeniable.

Here's a few foundational DeFi concepts:

  • Yield Farming: Liquidity providers can make passive income through commissions off of borrowed assets.
  • Borrowing and Lending: Users can borrow assets from a DEX against other assets and return them once they are ready or have made a profit.
  • Flash Loans: Users can borrow assets with zero risk using a smart contract to oversee all of the necessary milestones for it to be fulfilled and repaid.

DeFi Projects - Examples

Here is a look at some of the more successful DeFi projects:

  • MakerDAO: Users can borrow the native currency, MAKER, with DAI stablecoin. To do this, collateral is involved to protect against market value volatility. If the value of the cryptocurrency dips beneath a certain point, the DAI is liquidated to protect the lender.
  • Compound Finance: This liquidity providing protocol uses a system which offers a great option for users to make and compound rewards for a wide range of crypto assets.
  • KlimaDAO: This platform mixes some CeFi aspects with DeFi parameters and allows users to purchase tokenized carbon offsets and earn rewards from staking their assets.

The Future of DeFi

DeFi is still a young technology and it’s growing rapidly. Web3 DeFi projects are bringing in many different CeFi ideas like tokenization of commodities and insurance to blockchain, as examples. The blockchain base is also growing and becoming more dynamic with longstanding problems being phased out. With time, a more secure system is rapidly coming to fruition.

In this article

What is DeFi?

DeFi Projects - Examples

The Future of DeFi