Achievements of January 2023

Every month the Lisk team provides a recap of the most important news, updates, and developments in a single, convenient blog post.

By Lisk

31 Jan 2023


Max Kordek moves to Dubai

Max Kordek, co-founder of Lisk, has made the bold move of leaving his home in Berlin, Germany and heading to Dubai, UAE. Max is a passionate believer in the future, and he is determined to play an active role in making it happen. To make this goal a reality, Max stepped down from his Director position at Lightcurve but remains CEO of Lisk and President of the Lisk Foundation.

Max’s goal is to attract Web3 applications to the Lisk Ecosystem and create revenue streams for Lisk. Also he intends to increase public presence with conferences, media appearances, and kickstart two Lisk related projects in 2023. He also seeks to build further awareness about blockchain technology so more people can experience all the benefits it provides.

We look forward to seeing him achieve great success during this exciting new chapter! If you want to know more, visit Max’s Twitter.

Lisk included in the CV VC Top 50 Report

The recent CV VC Top 50 report has revealed the best-performing blockchain projects in CryptoValley. Lisk is proud to be a part of this list!

Naureen Mustafa, Head of Exchange Development at Lisk, wrote a thought-provoking article for the report titled 'Blockchain is crossing the chasm'. She believes that blockchain has potential for great success, emphasizing that “failing individual actors (talking about FTX and Terra Luna) - even if they fail spectacularly - are part of the innovation cycle”. It's through understanding the challenges presented by this technology – as well as its opportunities – that we will be able to achieve widespread adoption of blockchain solutions.

Download the CV VC Top 50 report here.

Change from DPoS to PoS terminology

With the Lisk Platform launch comes a change of terminology from Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) to Proof of Stake (PoS).

The main motivator for this terminology change lies in the way the protocol has evolved over time. With this upcoming release, reward-sharing and dynamic block rewards are being added as part of the new protocol - further moving away from original DPoS protocols while simultaneously getting closer to PoS protocols like Ethereum 2.

The second motivating factor behind this change is the increasing standardization and evolution of blockchain technology itself. As this technology advances and grows in popularity, so do the terms utilized by those who use it. With these new industry standards in mind, there is now less of a distinction between what is considered DPoS versus PoS protocols - making it simpler to differentiate between them with one unified term: PoS.

In this blog post, we set out to explain in detail the reasons why this shift is taking place.

Enevti Testnet goes live

We are proud to announce that on Jan 15, 2023, the Enevti team successfully launched the Testnet of their award-winning Web3 social media super-app! This amazing accomplishment is the result of an incredible effort from everyone involved. In total, there were 741 commits made to the enevti-app repo and 234 commits made to the enevti-core repo. This hard work shows just how devoted and passionate everyone in the team is about Enevti’s mission: to make the next evolution of NFT easy for mass adoption.

This Testnet launch marks a turning point in the development of this cutting-edge app; it is one step closer towards making NFTs accessible to more people and creating more opportunities for creators. Wanna dive deeper? Check Enevti website or join Lisk Discord and join the discussion there.

Stay tuned, and don’t forget to spread the word about our achievements on Twitter so that more people will hear about the Lisk project and its potential!