Battle of the Blockchains
Join us for the thrilling ‘Battle of the Blockchains’ event, hosted by CV Labs and Spyce.5. During the event, some of the most prominent blockchain projects will compete to showcase their cutting-edge technologies and added values. You’ll meet Cosmos, IOTA/Shimmer, Lisk, and LUKSO. This event aims to foster an open dialogue and healthy competition among various blockchain ecosystems to explore the potential and future prospects of decentralized technologies.
Event Agenda:
Introduction and Welcome
The event kicks off with an introduction by the host, highlighting the importance of blockchain technology and web3 and its potential impact on various industries.
Technology Pitch Presentations
Representatives from each participating blockchain will have a golden opportunity to pitch their technologies and specific approaches. In concise five-minute presentations, they will elucidate the strengths, scalability, security features, consensus mechanisms, and unique selling points of their respective blockchain projects.
Panel Discussion: Do We Need Different Chains?
Following the pitch presentations, all representatives will gather on a panel, and a seasoned moderator will lead the discussion. The central question of the debate will be: "Do we need different chains, and if so, why?" Participants will explore the aspects that make diverse blockchain ecosystems relevant, including use case specialization, scalability concerns, regional applicability, and governance models.
Short Fireside Chat with Olaf Hannemann, Founder and CIO of CV VC.
Olaf will present the second edition of the German Blockchain Report by CV VC, which will be launched during the event
Networking and Drinks
Berlin, Germany
13. Sep, 17:30 pm - 13. Sep, 20:30 pm