
Command line options

Please note, there are numerous options available that can be deployed to override the configuration on the runtime whilst starting the Lisk Core.

To overwrite config options from the command line, execute the following commands below:

  • Pass options as ENV variables

  • Pass options as flags

LISK_NETWORK=[network] LISK_CONFIG_FILE=[config-path] LISK_ADDRESS=[address] LISK_WS_PORT=[port] pm2 start lisk
The flag options are deprecated. Therefore it is recommend to pass the options as ENV variables.
node dist/index.js -p [port] -a [address] -c [config-path] -n [network]

You can pass devnet (default), alphanet, betanet, testnet or mainnet for the [network] option.

All ENV variables are restricted with a operating system constraint of ENV variable maximum length.

Comma-separated lists will replace the original config values. For example, If LISK_PEERS is specified, the original peers.list specific to the network will be replaced completely.

Each of these options listed below can be appended in the command line:

Command line Option ENV Variable Description



Any of these options can be used devnet, alphanet, betanet, testnet and mainnet. The default value is devnet.



Pass the custom configuration file, which will override values of the following: config/default/config.json.



TCP port for P2P layer.



TCP port for HTTP API.



Listening host name or IP.



Log level for file output.


Log level for console output.


Enable or disable cache. Must be set to true/false.



PostgreSQL database name to connect to.


PostgreSQL database host name.


PostgreSQL database port.


PostgreSQL database username to connect to.


PostgreSQL database password to connect to.



Redis host name.


Redis port.


Redis database name to connect to.


Redis database password to connect to.



Comma separated list of peers to connect to in the following format,


Enable or disable public access of http API. Must be set to true/false.


Comma separated list of IPs to enable API access. Format:,


Comma separated list of delegates to load in the format: publicKey|encryptedPassphrase,publicKey2|encryptedPassphrase2


Comma separated list of IPs to enable access to forging endpoints. Format:,


Rebuilds certain database tables on the basis of the local blockchain data. Must be followed by an integer, that specifies the last delegate round that should be part of the rebuild. If 0 is specified, all rounds are rebuilt.


Comma separated list of modules, that shall be loaded in a separate process. To enable inter process communication, set ipc.enabled to true inside the config.json file.

Config structure

A breakdown of the code structure can be seen below:

    "app": { (1)
        "genesisConfig": { (2)
            "BLOCK_TIME": 10, (3)
            "EPOCH_TIME": "2016-05-24T17:00:00.000Z", (4)
            "MAX_TRANSACTIONS_PER_BLOCK": 25, (5)
            "REWARDS": { (6)
                "DISTANCE": 1000, (7)
                "MILESTONES": [ (8)
                    "500000000", (9)
                    "400000000", (10)
                    "300000000", (11)
                    "200000000", (12)
                    "100000000" (13)
                "OFFSET": 1451520 (14)
        "ipc": {
            "enabled": true (15)
    "components": { (16)
        "logger": { (17)
            "fileLogLevel": "debug", (18)
            "logFileName": "logs/devnet/lisk.log", (19)
            "consoleLogLevel": "info" (20)
        "storage": { (21)
            "database": "lisk_dev", (22)
            "host": "localhost", (23)
            "port": 5432, (24)
            "user": "lisk", (25)
            "password": "password", (26)
            "min": 10, (27)
            "max": 95, (28)
            "poolIdleTimeout": 30000, (29)
            "reapIntervalMillis": 1000, (30)
            "logEvents": ["error"], (31)
            "logFileName": "logs/lisk_db.log" (32)
        "cache": { (33)
            "db": 0, (34)
            "enabled": true, (35)
            "host": "", (36)
            "port": 6380 (37)
    "modules": { (38)
        "http_api": { (39)
            "httpPort": 4000, (40)
            "address": "", (41)
            "enabled": true, (42)
            "trustProxy": false, (43)
            "access": { (44)
                "public": false, (45)
                "whiteList": [""] (46)
            "ssl": { (47)
                "enabled": false, (48)
                "options": {
                    "port": 443, (49)
                    "address": "", (50)
                    "key": "./ssl/lisk.key", (51)
                    "cert": "./ssl/lisk.crt" (52)
            "options": {
                "limits": { (53)
                    "max": 0, (54)
                    "delayMs": 0, (55)
                    "delayAfter": 0, (56)
                    "windowMs": 60000, (57)
                    "headersTimeout": 5000, (58)
                    "serverSetTimeout": 20000 (59)
                "cors": { (60)
                    "origin": "*", (61)
                    "methods": ["GET", "POST", "PUT"] (62)
            "forging": {
                "access": { (63)
                    "whiteList": [""] (64)
        "chain": { (65)
            "broadcasts": { (66)
                "active": true, (67)
                "broadcastInterval": 5000, (68)
                "parallelLimit": 20, (69)
                "releaseLimit": 25, (70)
                "relayLimit": 3 (71)
            "transactions": {
                "maxTransactionsPerQueue": 1000 (72)
            "forging": { (73)
                "force": false, (74)
                "delegates": [ (75)
                    "encryptedPassphrase": "iterations=1&salt=476d4299531718af8c88156aab0bb7d6&cipherText=663dde611776d87029ec188dc616d96d813ecabcef62ed0ad05ffe30528f5462c8d499db943ba2ded55c3b7c506815d8db1c2d4c35121e1d27e740dc41f6c405ce8ab8e3120b23f546d8b35823a30639&iv=1a83940b72adc57ec060a648&tag=b5b1e6c6e225c428a4473735bc8f1fc9&version=1",
                    "publicKey": "9d3058175acab969f41ad9b86f7a2926c74258670fe56b37c429c01fca9f2f0f"
                "defaultPassword": "elephant tree paris dragon chair galaxy" (76)
            "syncing": {
                "active": true (77)
            "loading": {
                "loadPerIteration": 5000, (78)
                "rebuildUpToRound": null (79)
            "exceptions": { (80)
                "blockRewards": [],
                "senderPublicKey": [],
                "signatures": [],
                "signSignature": [],
                "multisignatures": [],
                "votes": [],
                "inertTransactions": [],
                "rounds": {},
                "precedent": { "disableDappTransfer": 0 },
                "ignoreDelegateListCacheForRounds": [],
                "blockVersions": {},
                "roundVotes": [],
                "recipientLeadingZero": {},
                "recipientExceedingUint64": {},
                "duplicatedSignatures": {},
                "transactionWithNullByte": []
        "network": { (81)
            "wsPort": 5000, (82)
            "address": "", (83)
            "seedPeers": [ (84)
                    "ip": "", (85)
                    "wsPort": 4000 (86)
            "blacklistedPeers": [ (87)
                {"ip": ""} (88)
            "fixedPeers": [ (89)
                {"ip": ""} (90)
            "whitelistedPeers": [ (91)
                {"ip": ""} (92)
            "discoveryInterval": 30000, (93)
            "maxInboundConnections": 20, (94)
            "maxOutboundConnections": 20, (95)
            "peerBanTime": 86400, (96)
            "populatorInterval": 10000, (97)
            "emitPeerLimit": 25, (98)
            "peerDiscoveryResponseLength": 1000, (99)
            "maxPeerDiscoveryResponseLength": 1000, (100)
            "maxPeerInfoSize": 20480, (101)
            "wsMaxPayload": 3048576, (102)
            "ackTimeout": 20000, (103)
            "connectTimeout": 5000, (104)
            "wsEngine": "ws" (105)
1 Contains general application configurations.
2 Contains the genesis config options.
3 Slot time interval in seconds.
4 Timestamp indicating the initial network start (Date.toISOString()).
5 Maximum number of transactions allowed per block.
6 Options about block rewards.
7 Distance between each milestone.
8 Initial 5, and decreasing until 1.
9 Initial Reward.
10 Milestone 1.
11 Milestone 2.
12 Milestone 3.
13 Milestone 4.
14 Start rewards at block (n).
15 If true, allows modules to communicate over IPCs (inter-process-channels).
16 Contains configurations related to components.
17 Contains options for the logger component.
18 Minimum loglevel, that should be logged in the log file. Available values: trace, debug, log, info(default), warn, error, fatal, none.
19 Define name and path of the log file. Default: logs/lisk.log.
20 Minimum loglevel, that should be logged in the console when starting the node. Available values: trace, debug, log, info, warn, error, fatal, none(default).
21 Contains options for the storage component.
22 The name of the database to use.
23 The host address of the database.
24 The port of the database.
25 Name of the database user.
26 Password of the datbase user.
27 Specifies the minimum amount of database handles.
28 Specifies the maximum amount of database handles.
29 This parameter sets how long to hold connection handles open.
30 Closes and removes clients which have been idle > 1 second.
31 Specify the minimal log level for database logs.
32 Relative path of the database log file.
33 Contains options for the cache component.
34 Set the number of databases for Redis to use. Min: 0 (default), Max: 15.
35 If true, enables cache. Default: false.
36 Redis host IP. Default:
37 Redis host port. Default: 6380
38 Contains configurations related to modules.
39 Contains options for the API module.
40 The HTTP port that the node listens on.
41 Address of the API of the node.
42 Controls the API’s availability. If disabled, no API access is possible.
43 For nodes that sit behind a proxy. If true, client IP addresses are understood as the left-most entry in the X-Forwarded-* header.
44 Contains API access options.
45 If true, the API endpoints of the node are available to public.
46 This parameter allows connections to the API by IP. Defaults to only allow local host.
47 Options for enabling SSL with Lisk Core, (alternative to enabling SSL through a Webserver).
48 Enables SSL for HTTP requests - Default is false.
49 Port to host the Lisk Wallet on. The default is 443, however it is recommended to use a port above 1024 with iptables.
50 Interface to listen on for the Lisk Wallet.
51 Required private key to decrypt and verify the SSL Certificate.
52 SSL certificate to use with the Lisk Wallet.
53 Limits for API connections.
54 Maximum of API connections.
55 Minimum delay between API calls in ms.
56 Minimum delay after an API call in ms.
57 Minimum delay between API calls from the same window.
58 Indicates the minimum amount of time an idle connection has to be kept opened, (in seconds).
59 Time to wait for response from server before timing out.
60 Options for cross-origin resource sharing.
61 Defines the domains, that the resource can be accessed by in a cross-site manner. Defaults to all domains.
62 Defines the allowed methods for CORS.
63 Defines who can access the forging related API end points of the node.
64 This parameter allows connections to the Forging API by IP. Defaults to allow only local connections.
65 Contains options for the chain module.
66 Options for broadcasting events to the network.
67 If true, enables broadcasts.
68 Specifies how often the node will broadcast transaction bundles.
69 Specifies how many parallel threads will be used to broadcast transactions.
70 How many transactions can be included in a single bundle.
71 Specifies how many times a transaction broadcast from the node will be relayed.
72 Sets the maximum size of each transaction queue. Default: 1000
73 Contains forging options for delegates.
74 Forces forging to be on, only used on local development networks.
75 List of delegates who are allowed to forge on this node. To successfully enable forging for a delegate, the publickey and the encrypted passphrase need to be deposited here as a JSON object.
76 Default password for dummy delegates, only used on local development networks.
77 If true, enables syncing, (fallback for broadcasts).
78 How many blocks to load from a peer or the database during verification.
79 Integer. If this value is defined, the node will start and rebuild up to the defined round, (set to 0 to rebuild until current round). Otherwise, the application continues normal execution.
80 Define network specific exceptions. More details about exceptions:
81 Contains network options for the node.
82 Websocket port of the node.
83 The host IP which the P2P server should listen on for inbound connections. This value is passed directly to the underlying Node.js server. The listen function is documented in the following link:
84 A list of peers to use as seeds when starting the node for the first time. This should be an array of objects in the form: [{ip: '', wsPort: 7000}, {ip: '', wsPort: 8000}]
85 IP or address of the seed peer.
86 Port of the seed peer.
87 A list of peers to blacklist. This should be an array of objects in the following form: [{ip: ''}, {ip: ''}]
88 IP or address of the blacklisted peer.
89 A list of peers to stay constantly connected to. This should be an array of objects in the following form: [{ip: ''}, {ip: ''}]
90 IP or address of the peer to stay constantly connected to.
91 A list of peers which should never be banned. This should be an array of objects in the following form: [{ip: ''}, {ip: ''}]
92 IP or address of the whitelisted peer.
93 Time interval in milliseconds (ms), whereby the nodes performs peer discovery.
94 The maximum number of inbound peers/connections which the node should have. This should be an integer. Peers which initiate the connection to the node will be added to the node’s inbound list.
95 The maximum number of outbound peers/connections which the node should have. This should be an integer. The node will keep trying to connect to new peers until it reaches the maximum number of outbound connections.
96 The number of milliseconds to ban a peer for, in the case whereby its reputation score falls below 0.
97 How frequently (in milliseconds), the outbound list is checked and repopulated, (as peers can drop out over a period of time).
98 When broadcasting a message such as a block or transaction to peers, this number determines how many peers it will be sent to.
99 This number indicates the amount of peer information which the node will send back to a peer, when that peer requests the node’s peer list.
100 This number indicates the maximum amount of peer information which can be received from a single peer, to populate the peer directory with during discovery.
101 The maximum size in bytes, (integer), of a single peer information object. A peer information object has a flexible schema, and can contain custom properties/data about the node.
102 The maximum size in bytes (integer), of any type of message from a peer. If the peer tries to send a message greater than this value, it will be immediately disconnected.
103 When a node tries to make an RPC against a peer (and expects a response), this value determines the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds), that the node will wait to receive a response from the peer. If the peer does not respond in time, then the RPC will fail with an error.
104 When a node tries to connect to a peer, this value determines the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds), that the node will wait to complete the handshake with the peer. If the peer does not complete the handshake in time, then the connection will be closed.
105 Represents the low-level WebSocket engine which the node should use, (for advanced users). Possible values are "ws" (default, recommended), and uws (This value offers greater performance, however it is not compatible with all systems).